

Internet Sales 101 is where I share my exerpiance with online marketing and making money from the Internet from wherever the heck I have access to the Internet from.  Cool stuff!

My name is  Ethan Poltrack ( just go ahead and Google me for more information & see some of my current and past work.) and I have been leveraging this tool of the Internet to create not only cash but a passive income as well since around 2010.  I just got started online when the Adsense days started to buckle down on the type of traffic you can send to the publishers adverts.  I was paying for traffic via ppv or pay per view also known as cpv or cost per view but anyhow I was paying for traffic spending around twenty dollars per day and returning around four hundred or so. yeah...  I did that for a few months till things changed and overnight my income came to an hard end.  I look back at it now as a big learning curve for me.  The learning curve was first to read policies and understand what is allowed and what is not.  Also not to put all our eggs in one basket when it comes to our income from our online businesses.

I have invested not only thousands of hours but thousands of dollars as well into my online education and learning how to make money using the Internet.  I tell you this not to brag but to share that I am qualified to share with you how you to can succeed online without spending a fortune.  If you have noticed this a free platform that I am using to set up my business profile.  Not some fancy twelve thousand dollar websites although I do have plenty of those.  Anyways now

I am here and created Internet Sales 101 to help newbies get started and answer their questions to get them on the road to success without having to go to hundreds of different places and resources to get the tools, training and mentorship one needs to succeed with Internet marketing and making money from where ever the heck you want.