
Friday, May 1, 2015

The Very First Thing Is Understanding Your Internet Marketing Business

In order to think properly for your business you first need to understand your Internet marketing business and actually how you are making money online.  In a sense it's basic business knowledge but you know what... I spent over a thousand dollars mentoring off of a famous Internet marketer which I am sure you might have heard of for just one of his personal trainings and he is the one who
actually got the light bulb to go off and actually think about it.  OK are you ready?

Drum Roll Please....

Supply and Demand! To produce Internet Sales thats what it comes down to is "supply and demand"  The even better news is that we have a tool here (the internet) to be able to reach a worldwide audience with our campaigns.  You know it took me over a year or two before I really got the big picture of what a "campaign" is.  Simply put it's our advert that we create on the web to redirect the people who click on our advert to take a specific action.  Setting up a blog for a specific product or service is a campaign. Setting up a PPC ad is a campaigns.  Doing solo ad advertising is creating a campaign around a specific group of people.  Now there are certain markets that perform better online versus trying to supply the demand for any old thing.  Things such as wanting to make more money, trying to lose weight.  You can also look at things such as things that people might be shy about to go out and buy it in public say at some porn shop or the supermarket.  Anything.  Could be as simple as a hemorrhoid cream to cure hemorrhoids.  I don't know maybe its athletes foot or something.  You have a really small penis and want to enlarge it! These types of niches can be some goldminds online.

The Very First Thing Is Understanding Your Internet Marketing Business

So that is how the money is made on the Internet.  You have a product or service that people want and need and you sell it those people who are looking or what you have at that exact moment.  That's called targeted traffic! The traffic can be the easy part for you or it can be your biggest nightmare like for most including myself the first THREE years of my career until I got proficient at it.  In order to know where your prospects are online you first have to know your prospects demographics or the type of people that are going to be interested in your product or services.  Real fast before you start sweating thinking to yourself o my gosh I don't have a product and now I have to create one because the answer to that is no you don't.  You can easily affiliate yourself with another product owner who will pay you a commission for each sale you make.  It is called affiliate marketing and is a huge market like to the tuned of hundreds of billions of dollars yearly.

So in the end Internet marketing and making sales online comes down to basic business of supply and demand.  The good news is we have a tool here at our fingertips that we can use to go out and research the demands for certain markets to see if we should bet involved in it and what are the chances of selling my products or services or even those of other business owners.

I want to try and keep each post in bite size pieces that we all can digest!  Here's some success talk for you! " How do you eat an elephant?"  The answer is one bite at a time.  Thank you for reading and if you didn't subscribe now please do so to make sure you get all my future postings on running a successful web business and making Internet sales 24/7 also if you have any feedback you would like to share or even have questions please feel free to ask or share in the comments below.

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